Monday, August 6, 2018

Resources Around Town

Our community is fortunate to have Indiana University of Pennsylvania in the heart of town.   Iup provides our community with a wealth of resources for families.  I have shared a few you may not be familiar with below.  

The IUP Literacy Center provides assessment and instruction with reading and writing for children and adolescents.

The IUP Community Music School provides private lessons, ensembles, and classes in music.

The Child Study Center provides educational and psychological assessments, and consultation and education for parents related to academic and behavioral issues.  

The IUP Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic provides diagnostic and treatment services.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Back to School

I'm not sure about you but I look forward to getting back to school!  I am starting to prepare the Library by planning, organizing, and cataloging the new books I ordered over the summer. 

I am also preparing my family for the transition.  A few things I do to make our transition from the lazy, carefree days of summer into the full, structured schedule of the school year may help your family ease back. 

  • Establish a calendar of scheduled activities-we use a paper calendar posted on our refrigerator.  Along with activities we add dinner plans.  The few minutes a week it takes to plan out our dinners helps with shopping and wasted time when we come home hungry!
  • Establish a nightly reading routine if you don't have one.  Reading is the perfect way to end the day.  
  • Start moving bedtime 15 to 30 minutes earlier each week.  
  • Set up homework station with supplies-we add pencils, erasers, colored pencils, paper, a calculator, ruler, and other like items.
  • Prepare a lunch preparation bin-snack items, baggies, thermo, etc.  Keep lunch box items all together to save time when packing lunches the night before.  
  • Spend time with your child choosing outfits for the first week-we usually wait until the week before so we can check the upcoming weather. 
Do you have any ideas or suggestions for helping your family ease back to school?

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Make it a great day!

Our school has a YouTube Channel for our daily EPTV news broadcasts.  As a Pre-K to 3rd grade building we broadcast the news most important to our school community.  Our segments consist of the date and day of our rotation, the Pledge of Allegiance,  the lunch menu, daily announcements, weather and sports.  Our 3rd graders hold the job of delivering the news until the very end of the school year when the 2nd graders are given the opportunity to see what happens and participate in a broadcast or two.  Every 3rd grade student is given the opportunity to participate in each of the roles-announcer 1, announcer 2, Pledge leader, weather person, sports reporter, and camera person.  

Every once in a while we have a special broadcast where teachers take the role of the student announcers.  The students LOVE seeing their teacher on EPTV!  The broadcast I shared is one of those special times.   And from the EPTV news team...make this a great day!